The Lazy Negro Stereotype is FAKE Because A Slave Cannot Be LAZY By Definition
Some people think that calling Black people “lazy and uneducated” are just stereotypes and unfortunate relics of slavery or colonization. Perhaps, White masters refusing the education of their slaves, and lazy slaves who did not want to work gave people the lasting impression that laziness and unwillingness to learn is a defect in Blackness.
These theories make no sense, because I don’t know if this so-called lazy behavior was thought to happen during or after slavery, but the idea of a lazy SLAVE is still a ridiculous notion. By definition all they do is work.
Some even think it comes from Africans relaxed attitude, underdeveloped enviornment, primitive lifestyles which has led to crumbling countries due to people not wanting to work. Which also does not make sense. Especially if you consider all the work being done via artistry, agriculture, mining, animal husbandry, commerce and caring for families and communities at all times through out history in most African communities.
Yet for some reason, til today, people like to say Black people are lazy and uneducated, and are constantly pushing intiatives one way or another to “educate” Blacks and “inspire” them to work. But what if I told you that all of that is an intentional illusion with a nefarious purpose? Who started the rumor, I really do not know, but I can paint a picture that will show that it is being intentionally kept alive and used for evil against Black people and other people of color.
It may be hard to swallow, because you may have bought into the myth yourself and are now seeing the world through a lens where you fear and distance yourself from Black people, but I am going to attempt to (by the end of this article) open your eyes and change the way you see the world (even if only for a few minutes).
Let me start by establishing my standpoint. I believe that Black people are not lazy. Nor are Black people “uneducated”. I am not even just talking about Black people in America or the UK, but even in Africa. One way or another, for the past few centuries, this narrative about the lazy and/or uneducated Black/negro has been perpetuated to the point many people are not even fully sure why they believe it any more.
Black people are the most UNDERSERVED community in the world. People justify leaving Black people empty-handed when distributing wealth, resources, rights and advantages by saying that Black pepole need to work hard to earn and build their legacies and wealth the way other races do. However, this too is part of the illusion.
Black people are some of the hardest working people on the planet anywhere you go. From Africa, to the Carribean to the Americas, UK and Canada. The lazy, uneducated narrative is used to justify the unfair distribution of wealth in many ways. By making hard-work and Western education into virtues, one can demonize the Black when these behaviors are not evident in them. Yet those very virtues, many Whites (and other “races”) do not have either, and would fight to keep it that way.
The dominant culture not only consumes, but perpetuates these biases through media, attitude and policy decisions. They believe it so much that whenever a Black person or Black people have problems or get into trouble they automatically link it back to a defect in “Blackness.”
Lazy, which is a word in the English vernacular widely accepted to be a derogatory term for someone who refuses to put in required work for a beneficial outcome is falsely attributed to Black people for the sake of shaming any behavior that is resistant to serving the status quo despite real conflicts that should rightfully exist in the Black community surrounding this ideal. Conflicts such as:
- Serving an oppressor’s agenda
- Having basic needs un-met
- Unjust treatment in the work environment
- Not being mentally and spiritually nurtured by your enviornment
Any behavior that is anything less than an enthusiastic desire to participate in the dominant culture perpetuated by the status quo is automatically deemed “lazy.” So, everybody ignores the potential stress, trauma or ethical dilemma the Black person could be facing with a dismissive label of “laziness.” So, we now have the right to punish the person, mock them or strip them of various rights and opportunities.
“Uneducated” is another one of those terms used to vilify dark skin. Like “lazy” it is used to slander anyone who resists the status quo. The term is more often used to “thought-police” individuals who choose to question the idea that the information being disseminated through the institution of Western education may not be of supreme value to all individuals at all times for all purposes.
So, if a Black person chooses to base his identity off of a history that does not begin with slavery and colonization, and wants to bring up arguments outside of the accepted curriculum, he is silenced by being labeled “uneducated.” He may be canceled, or stripped of various opportunities for his dissent, because it is not even acknowledged as dissent, but something far worse, “miseducation” or “lack of education.” This sounds harmless, but it is actually much worse than saying you are rebelling. Because if you are rebelling, other “rebels” may support you. But if you are just “uneducated,” then it is your fault for not paying attention or studying. Or you may be mocked, or they may try to torture and brainwash you in the name of rehabilitation. Subjecting you to cognitively dissonant ideas which may cause you undue psychological trauma as they attempt to make you worthy to participate in their version of the world. Should depression, paranoia or shcizophrenia befall you, don’t worry. We’ve got pills for that. As long as everyone is well-behaved.
This is not just in the Black American community. Unfortunately, the custom of calling people uneducated who don’t speak English, or agree with the cultural ideologies of the dominant culture has become so common place that it is being propagated to African communities (and other international communities as well) through globalization.
So, I would say that at the end of the day, referring to Black people as “lazy” and/or “uneducated” is a form of racism, thought-policing and indoctrination that we should all be wary of. It is not only affecting Blacks, but many forms of self-expression in White communities as well. Because as they develop that way of looking at people in their head, they develop a blind spot towards parts of humanity (including their own).