The Woman That Tried To Do The Good Thing
Note: This was meant to be written as a tribute to anybody who tries to do a great thing. It can really apply to anybody. So, if you see yourself or anybody you know in this story, it is merely by coincidence, because it is really a general story that can apply to anybody. As you can see nobody’s name is written there. This is a kind of story where you see what you want to see. So, just know that your interpretation is a reflection of what is already in your mind. Enjoy!
Once upon a time, there was a woman.
She lived alone, in a quiet solitary place where nobody could disturb. She had immense abilities and powers that the world had yet to see from one such as she.
Often she watched from her solitary place the on-goings of the world. She was saddened by the plight of her kind, who had yet to develop powers the likes of which she had, and so she sought to save them.
She decided to leave her solitary place where she was safe by herself, and venture out into the world and try to do a good thing.
Unfortunately, in the process of trying to do the good things, she occasionally had to summon up this demon or that demon in order to help her get past one obstacle or from one point to another. Each demon with it carried a burden which had to be transferred onto her, or released into the world in exchange.
Often she would tire of carrying a demon’s burden and so wanting to return to using her whole energy for what she originally set out to do, she would cast off the burdens of these demons back into the world. For this reason, most of the burdens eventually would get released into the world. Thus, by trying to do a good thing, the powerful woman who was living in a solitary place, began to put a lot of new problems in the world.
The powerful woman began to miss her solitary place, and become bitter, because everyone started to see her as somebody who caused problems and not somebody who was bringing a solution. Moreover, she was getting old, and the plight of the people who were of her kind seemed to be on an endless cycle of waxing and waning.
She had tried to help her people in smaller ways with her powers, but they had yet to see the full extent of her powers and she really wanted to show it to them. She really believed it would be the solution. But by this time people had lost faith in her. She had worked with demons. She had done small efforts which went nowhere (after all, they are no farther along in their struggle now than they were when she started) and furthermore, she is now old.
So, the woman with enormous powers who could have stayed by herself her whole life in that safe solitary place decided to make one last ditch effort and make a big bold move. She decided to fight for a seat of power. The seat of power would allow her to have big influence that would decide definitely what happens to the people that were her kind. She knew at this point that the combination of her innate abilities, and the seat of power would bring about the good thing that she had been trying to do all along.
Then, she began to receive the threats. Horrible threats came from all over the world. Threats on her reputation, her loved ones and her life came from those who were not of her kind, but also those who were of her kind. It seemed that nobody wanted her to do the good thing.
The old woman concluded that the universe had punished her for something that she had not paid attention to at some point in time, because why else would she have wasted her life like this when she could have stayed safe in her solitary place. She thought about going to be with the ancestors that night.